Server randomly restarting at certain times.

Issue #132 on hold
Anna Bakker created an issue

The server has been stopping and restarted suddenly on some times.

It has done it on: 05:00, 00:00, 02:00. BST.

Comments (4)

  1. Anna Bakker reporter
    • changed status to open

    Server has restarted with no warning at 03:33 and 04:59 Servertime (GMT)

    At 03:33 the command !uptime was also used and returned:

    03:33 <@McObot> (MCS) Server uptime: 01:14:30, Memory in use:

    at 4:59 the hourly gift was also given at the same time.

  2. Anna Bakker reporter

    Also restarted at Wed 26 Nov 20:59 GMT 2014 with no warning (no warning meaning no "Server is restarting" or "Server memory leak limit reached. Automatically restarting now.").

    21:00 <@McObot> (MCS) Server uptime: 00:00:03, Memory in use: 0.134136 GB was the result of !uptime

    The hourly gift also happened at the exact same moment, and I could hear the item giving/dropping sound as the server restarted

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