
Issue #202 resolved
Michael Nova created an issue

Have /register give they player a cookie upon successful registration

Have players who first log into the server get a cookie for logging in.

Comments (2)

  1. Riot

    This is two different suggestions.

    For the first - alright, sure, although that's only valid if they're online at the time, which many are not.

    For the second - absolutely no chance, never, not at all, no. I don't see why we should "reward" players just for turning up, before we even know if they're about to get banned in the next five minutes or not. There is also absolutely no sense in spamming them even more on login - they already have a great deal of trouble reading the MOTD and all the other notices when they first join. Adding yet another meaningless line to that spam is a completely crazy suggestion to come from an admin :P

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