Possible error in block placing above 128

Issue #213 invalid
cheesefaceman1 created an issue

[14:39] <McObot> (MCS) Marver95 has played for over 20 hours!

[14:39] <McObot> (MCS) Marver95 earned the right to build higher than 128!

but according to Marver95 he still can't build above 128, maybe he needed to relog.

Comments (3)

  1. Anna Bakker

    Marver's timeplayed is also 260 hours, which is above the 100 needed to build above 128 blocks high. Marver has 2 (+7, -5) reputation (less than 20, which is another way to build above 128 blocks) and he is also a registered player but not a donor.

    What should have happened is the bot saying marver has played for over 200 hours, and also earned the right to build above 128. And allowing him to build that high.

    The incorrect display of hours marver played in chat might be because of the negative hour fix, it has happened to a lot of other players saying "Player has played for over 10 hours!" "Player has earned the right to build higher than 128!"

    cheesefaceman1 can build higher than 128 as normal, he also has 282 hours and 1 reputation (+32 -31) and is not a donor.

  2. Riot

    Marver95 is in the database as having the right to build over 128. I have no reason to assume this is not being acted on, as it seems to work perfectly fine for everyone else. Perhaps he just needed to relog, or he's confused as to where 128 is.

    If there is actually a bug, please reopen this issue and post a screenshot of the error message he gets when he tries to build over 128, with the exact coordinates of the attempt.

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