McObot trying to translate tableflip crashes the bot.

Issue #285 resolved
Anna Bakker created an issue

Using l4mRbot's !tableflip command will cause McObot to try translate it and make the bot crash.

00:22 <@Annabell> !servertime

00:22 <@McObot> (MCS) Tue 12 May 00:25:06 BST 2015

00:22 <@Annabell> !tableflip

00:22 <+l4mRbot> (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

00:23 <@McObot> (Translated from Japanese) (Ishinomori ಠ gains ಠ)-彡 ┻-┻

00:23 -!- McObot [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]

00:23 -!- McObot [] has joined #minecraftonline

00:23 -!- mode/#minecraftonline [+o McObot] by ChanServ

Similar to #206 #92 and #24 ?

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