/staffpm feature

Issue #316 new
Edward Hart-Davis created an issue

I believe that the server could benefit from having a /staffpm feature that would be available to the staff. This would help with private communication between staff and players.


A galert pops up for Bubba.

bubba_basti does: /staff accidental break my mouse clicked

Ted1246 uses gcheck to get to the situation to verify that everything is fine. Now the current way of doing things would be to /pm bubba_basti to tell him that he accepts that everything is fine. With the /staffpm, it would go something like:

/staffpm bubba_basti okay, everything's fine :)

This message would appear in staffchat and would also be sent as a custom PM to Bubba, appearing something like: staff (Ted1246) --> bubba_basti okay, everything's fine :)

Staffchat would be implemented to let staff know that the situation has been dealt with and the player has been told whatever the response they needed was, in an easy way. The player would also be able to tell that they had been sent the message in a way that the other staff members could see it with this command.

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