/whoseheadisthis command

Issue #329 on hold
Edward Hart-Davis created an issue

This is a relatively simple command.

The idea is that while looking directly at a player head, the player can use the command


And they will either be shown

This is Ted1246's head

Or (if they weren't looking at a head after all):

No player head in sight!

This would help players find out whose head it is that they see, without having to grief it in an attempt to check.

Comments (3)

  1. Anna Bakker

    Could be done with Exec and playerlooksat, getting MCEXEC_BLOCKDATA of the head block. Perhaps similar to how /spawnerinfo worked before.

  2. Anna Bakker

    Can't currently use Exec to get block nbt and figure out who's head a block is. MCEXEC_BLOCKDATA only gives damage values and not nbt data.

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