/spawn, /warp, /staff, /gcheck, /greturn, /translate, and /goodnight don't work, server refuses to restart after !stop command in IRC, IRC isn't being relayed into ingame

Issue #330 resolved
ftht jyjyy created an issue

/greturn has the usual behavior, will say it returned you to your previous coordinates, and if used again will say you can't return twice. /spawn and /warp will calculate the distance between you and the respective warps, output the correct message but don't teleport you. /goodnight outputs the "Server busy - please try again in a minute" message and doesn't do anything.

Comments (4)

  1. ftht jyjyy reporter

    /msg is also broken but the message sender will receive the usual text in chat. Broken logged blocks are also not being shown to moderators.

  2. ftht jyjyy reporter

    /kit tells the player it gave the item, sets the reload timer but does not give the item to the player.

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