Staff Have Colored Name ingame When using IRC

Issue #380 wontfix
Jibletz_124 created an issue

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Comments (6)

  1. Jibletz_124 reporter

    Recommended By Anna to be Purple names(Mod Blue and Admin Red Combined) Color Codes: Mod Blue:§b Admin Red:§c Purple:§5

  2. Riot

    There is no consistent and verifiable way to do this. We cannot ever accurately determine what IRC nick corresponds to what minecraft account; many staff use accounts that are differently named, and many staff have IPs that do not match their minecraft accounts, or have multiple matches between IRC accounts and in-game accounts. In short: can't be done.

  3. Anna Bakker

    Actually we could just make whoever is an operator in irc have their name show up purple to players ingame.

    This is also why the colour purple was suggested instead of the normal mod blue and admin red, as both admins and mods have operator in irc and purple is a mix of these colours.

  4. Riot

    Yes, you could do that, but I feel it would add a layer of confusion. For a start, purple is neither the red or blue players already are familiar with, and would simply confuse people as to whether someone is the same person in-game since they would all have a different coloured name; and it's one more meaningless bit of flair for players to learn - we've always resisted being one of those servers with confetti-coloured rainbow names, and there's no compelling reason to go that way here. There are also always staff on IRC who are not identified with nickserv at any one time, and this would add to the confusion.

    I don't really think chanop status is a useful indicator in-game, for the above reasons - it's a tool for those on IRC to help differentiate the current status of people whom they're interacting with there on that medium. Knowing someone's operator status on IRC does not necessarily help a player to know whether that person can assist them in game or not - by definition, since it's someone on IRC, they usually can't help them in game, and adding more colour flare would just imply that they can do something they can't - or that an unidentified moderator can't do something they can.

    Finally, there's just no benefit, aside from as I say unnecessary flair. Let's keep it minimal and clean.

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