Unable to connect to server

Issue #390 invalid
Anna Bakker created an issue

Sometimes all players online lose connection and the server shows that all those players and the server are still online. Both with !list and in minecraft multiplayer menus.

Each time I have seen this happen I've needed to kill the server and restart it. And this is starting to happen more often.

I also believe that most of the times this has happened the last thing I saw being used ingame on the server screen was commands from /greturn, specifically /god off.

Server screen when this happens:

[SERVER] 2017-02-17 23:01:37 [INFO] [exec] Trying to execute "/gcheckold 1 20 -17 -199 68 0" for user Jibletz
[REMOTE] Connection count: 1
[SERVER] 2017-02-17 23:01:37 [ERROR] Error removing from MySQL: no rows updated!
[SERVER] net.canarymod.database.exceptions.DatabaseWriteException: Error removing from MySQL: no rows updated!
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.database.mysql.MySQLDatabase.remove(MySQLDatabase.java:182) ~[CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.backbone.BackbonePermissions.removePermission(BackbonePermissions.java:253) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-1.1.3.
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.permissionsystem.PermissionManager.removePlayerPermission(PermissionManager.java:80) [CanaryMod-1.7.
[SERVER]        at com.minecraftonline.classicloader.classicapi.Player.setCommands(Player.java:312) [classicloader-0.1-SNAPSHOT-shade
[SERVER]        at PlayerCommandsExec.remoteCommand(PlayerCommandsExec.java:196) [exec.jar:?]
[SERVER]        at execListener.onConsoleCommand(execListener.java:818) [exec.jar:?]
[SERVER]        at com.minecraftonline.classicloader.classicapi.PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:965) [classicloader-0.1-SNAPS
[SERVER]        at com.minecraftonline.classicloader.classicapi.bridge.EventToHookAdapter.handleConsoleCommand(EventToHookAdapter.jav
[SERVER]        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor71.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
[SERVER]        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_11]
[SERVER]        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_11]
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.hook.HookExecutor$1.execute(HookExecutor.java:59) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.plugin.RegisteredPluginListener.execute(RegisteredPluginListener.java:52) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.hook.HookExecutor.callHook(HookExecutor.java:123) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.hook.Hook.call(Hook.java:37) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[SERVER]        at net.canarymod.api.CanaryServer.consoleCommand(CanaryServer.java:148) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[SERVER]        at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer$2.run(DedicatedServer.java:142) [CanaryMod-1.7.10-
[REMOTE] Connection count: 2
[REMOTE] [localhost:55099] Data: remotecommand Jibletz /unstuck
[REMOTE] Connection count: 1
[REMOTE] Connection count: 2
[REMOTE] [localhost:55100] Data: savetolog info [TP] Jibletz teleported from 2494.1537436340345 109.0 -2475.9038476786636 end behind
[REMOTE] Connection count: 1
[REMOTE] Connection count: 2
[REMOTE] [localhost:55101] Data: remotecommand Bowbyslag /god off

Comments (3)

  1. Riot

    There's simply no point putting it here, since nothing we change in scripts can fix it; it may be an issue in Canary, in which case it needs to be diagnosed that way, or it may be an issue with a plugin (such as whatever currently provides /god functionality) - in which case it needs to be reproduced and then reported to the appropriate repo.

    Either way it's not helpful to have it here, and the issues for scripts are already cluttered enough - reopen this if there's any indication that it's a configuration issue or something else affected by something in this repository.

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