Quick reply command for PM's

Issue #417 resolved
Zomon333 created an issue

This is pretty self explanatory: A command like /r that sends the text after it to the last person you sent/received a PM to/from.

Really this is just a quality of life suggestion. It's not very difficult for anybody to copy paste the /msg command for the person you're talking to, but it would be nice to not have to.

Example: <AyeMB> ---> <Anna_28> Hi

/r Kia Ora

<Anna_28>---><AyeMB> Kia Ora

Comments (7)

  1. Riot

    this would be pretty easy to implement. You'd just need a new playerdata file along the lines of last-private-message-to-$username-from.txt which contains the name of the user who sent it, which would be updated by the /msg script. And then the /reply script would just be a wrapper around the message script sending to that name, if it exists, or giving a polite error.

  2. Anna Bakker

    I was thinking of just grepping latest.log to find the last player to send a message to the player using /reply. As logs show who sends a message to who, but not message content.

  3. Riot

    I'm not going to allow users to use a silent command, one letter long, that they can spam at a hundred times a second if they want to using a script, to spawn a grep process for each execution. That would be an insane denial of service issue, and considering that the result of that search will change very rarely over a given run (not to mention someone may want to continue a conversation over a restart), it's just nuts not to cache it.

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