Add /wiki command

Issue #451 wontfix
Trenten created an issue

A /wiki command to pull up a wiki page of a place on the MCO wiki would be rather useful.

Example of how it could work: /wiki Spawn and it gives a link to

Comments (2)

  1. Riot

    This strikes me as utterly superfluous. If you can type “/wiki Spawn” into the command, and open a browser, you can just as easily type into the browser. This command would be useless for anything where you don't know the precise name of the page, and would give dead links if there were any errors or typos - you'd still have to know exactly what the page is called.

    If you wanted to interface with the search functionality, then that would be a different story, but there's no benefit to doing so in game IMO. We should keep the command space slim, bloat just makes it harder to navigate through command options.

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