git add fails

Issue #8 resolved
Stefan Steinheimer created an issue

error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database .git/objects

error: minecraft_server_1.5.1_CanaryMod_c099767.jar: failed to insert into database error: unable to index file minecraft_server_1.5.1_CanaryMod_c099767.jar fatal: adding files failed

Comments (6)

  1. 14mRh4X0r

    git's core.sharedRepository setting probably needs to be set to true for this to properly work:

    When group (or true), the repository is made shareable between several users in a group (making sure all the files and objects are group-writable).

  2. 14mRh4X0r

    I couldn't find it in the repo's config -- maybe it's only set for the user you're checking with?

  3. Riot

    Oh and removing the username from the config is the other thing i did to enable everyone to pull and push from the remote under their own user. Should all work now.

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