MCO Mod and Admin Emails Not Outputing to anyone.

Issue #3 resolved
fmxstick created an issue

MCO Mod and possibly Admin Emails have been messed up with the "mailing list" being wiped or in the wrong place. That results in Limited (if anyone) communication and sent emails within around 2-3 days are somewhere other than in the mailing list users inbox. Sending is still possible but receiving is not from what i have seen.

Comments (7)

  1. Matty Williams

    Email does actually appear to be working for most outside the live/MSN users. See Riot's email:

  2. Matty Williams

    " Actually you're both half right.  A few domains, specifically microsoft mail hosts ( and are rejecting mail from Renegade, as it's been blacklisted for some reason.  I'll need to investigate this - chances are it's something to do with SPF or the reverse dns lookup or something similar.  I'll aim to have it sorted in a few days - meanwhile though please let the other (hotmail-using) admins know that this is happening.  It's likely to affect all moderator and other server-sent mail, too, so it may be a big problem until it's sorted."

  3. Riot

    THe original bug report doesn't make much sense, but the actual bug is: mail sent by Renegade is being rejected by hotmail's servers, and possibly others, most likely due to another ip on the same block previously having been seen spamming. The blacklists are visible here: and

    I'll be sorting this out with our hosting providers, they should be able to help.

    BTW please don't exaggerate the level of bugs - "critical" should be reserved for something that literally means the server does not work, or it's impossible to play. Some staff email being rejected does not affect the player gameplay experience whatsoever, and should not be marked as critical.

  4. Riot

    The lovelies at microshaft say:

    We have completed reviewing the IP(s) you submitted. The following table contains the results of our investigation.
    No action taken
    The system found that the reported IP(s) are not eligible for automatic mitigation

    Now to see if i can get a human response on the issue... Support Ticket Number:1194194816

  5. Riot

    Got this reply:

    My name is Gautam and I work with the Hotmail Deliverability Support Team.
    Your IP [] was blocked by Hotmail because Hotmail customers have reported email from this IP as unwanted. I have conducted an investigation into the emails originating from your IP space and have implemented mitigation for your deliverability problem. This process may take 24 - 48 hours to replicate completely throughout our system. 

    I'm going to consider this issue as resolved unless we see further deliverability problems after 48 hours from now.

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