Can't delete summon request from control panel

Issue #6 resolved
Stefan Steinheimer created an issue

On the control panel "Home" page: You have a summon request from de2354 since 20:36, 26 Apr 2013. [accept] [del]

Clicking on [del] desults in "No summon request from de2354 pending!"

When I then click on the "Control Panel Beta" heading, or log out and back in, the original line is back.

Works from in game.

Comments (1)

  1. Riot

    It would appear the /dev/shm directory on this new system is a symlink to /run/shm which has mode drwxrwxrwt... "If the text bit is set (chmod o+t), files in the directory can only be deleted by their owner, not the group."

    This wasn't the case on our last machine that we migrated for, which is why this bug has appeared. Should be fixed now.

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