Use "official" WorldEdit and write a plugin for MCO-specific additions

Issue #18 new
14mRh4X0r created an issue

The title says it all, really. It might be useful/easier to use the "official" WorldEdit (i.e. the version I manage), and write a separate plugin that hooks into WorldEdit for the MCO-specific additions.

Comments (3)

  1. Riot

    Our list of additions and modifications is pretty extensive - we specify customisable group-based cooldowns for the majority of fast-travel commands, as well as certain limitations (stop you /ascending above the bedrock ceiling in the nether, for instance) that are crucial to the way our donation system works. If someone wants to undertake the task of porting this stuff over, then by all means go for it... are you volunteering to do that?

  2. 14mRh4X0r reporter

    Not yet, I still have to update worldedit myself as well. I just think it would help keep stuff more maintainable.

  3. Brendan Stafford

    I'd like an update on the status of this issue. What features of WE are MCO specific? How much do the two differ? The newer version of WE has been designed for use as an API. Since I already work close with the devs, and since we're porting to sponge, now would be the time to implement this idea, and im in full support of it.

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