/tpto aliases in the nether place user in the overworld

Issue #21 resolved
Jake Hogan created an issue

SnappyMuppetman reported this one to me:

Apparently saving an alias within the nether and then trying to /tpto to that alias while in the nether puts the user in the overworld at those coordinates rather than the appropriate nether location. Using the alias from the otherworld gives the "veil between worlds" message. I had crazyreceive test this as well with the same results.

Comments (3)

  1. Riot

    This has nothing to do with WorldEdit; tpto and the alias system are my exec scripts, and the teleportation system is the old gcheck method from griefalert. I'll report the bug on griefalert in a minute; meanwhile i've worked around this by disabling alias saving outside the normal world and disabling tpto outside of the normal world.

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