/slaughter NoSuchMethodError...again

Issue #28 resolved
SnappyMuppetman created an issue

/slaughter errors with java.lang.NoSuchMethoedError. see screenshot below.


Comments (3)

  1. SnappyMuppetman reporter

    Update: Attempted /slaughter whilst in range of only a single zombie and this error appeared: Please report this error: [See console] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable.getEntity()Lcom/minecraftonline/classicloader/classicapi/TamableEntity;

  2. SnappyMuppetman reporter

    Seems the command is functioning occasionally though error message still appears even when the command works. Attempted to isolate the issue being caused by specific mobs but results inconclusive (Seems mob type isn't the cause)

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