New and updated blocks make WE cry

Issue #3 resolved
Stefan Steinheimer created an issue

Upside-down stairs and slabs, rotated logs, etc. aren't handled correctly/at all.

Comments (8)

  1. fmxstick

    redstone lamps turned on ID 124 do not apear when copy/cut/pasted alike wood steps (134, 135, 136) wood slabs (126, 126:1, 126:2, 126:3), sandstone stair (128), Emerald Block (133), Emerald ore (129), Ender chests (130), Tripwire hooks (131), tripwire (132), Anvils (145, 145:1, 145:2), Beacon (138), cobblestone fence (139, 139:1), wood button (143).

    wood slap originaly is 44:2.

    Upside down stairs work with //stack, //rotate etc, the only problem with all stairs is //set faces all stairs west instead of the direction you face like when using //stack.

  2. Apex VII

    Using the SuperPick on the following stair items - sandstone stair (128), spruce wood stairs (134), birch wood stair (135), and jungle wood stair (136) - and executing //undo will say "undo successful" but nothing would reappear.

  3. Stefan Steinheimer reporter

    I've started to fix this before Christmas. Still a long way to go, there are a lot of new and modified blocks and their properties have to be added to several files.

  4. fmxstick

    cobblestone wall (139) and mossy cobblestone (139:1) do not agree with worldedit as a recognized block

  5. Tino Richter

    resolved so far:

    redstone lamps turned on ID 124 do not apear when copy/cut/pasted alike wood steps (134, 135, 136) wood slabs (126, 126:1, 126:2, 126:3), sandstone stair (128), Emerald Block (133), Emerald ore (129), Ender chests (130), Tripwire hooks (131), tripwire (132), Anvils (145, 145:1, 145:2), Beacon (138), cobblestone fence (139, 139:1), wood button (143).

    Using the SuperPick on the following stair items - sandstone stair (128), spruce wood stairs (134), birch wood stair (135), and jungle wood stair (136) - and executing //undo will say "undo successful" but nothing would reappear.

    cobblestone wall (139) and mossy cobblestone (139:1) do not agree with worldedit as a recognized block

    only tested with copy, paste, cut, rotate yet

    tile entities still pose problems

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