Buggy furnaces cause chunks to reload

Issue #36 new
Michael Nova created an issue

I have discovered the cause of the missing chunks when pasting the visitor centre in another location. As we saw with the many we pasted in the contest area there was always a chunk in the same general location missing. The culprit behind the issues was the furnace at the entrance to the VC. After very many copy paste trial and errors, I have narrowed down the issue to that. What happened initially is the chunk is reloading or being deleted and then reloaded, I'm uncertain as to which.

I tested replacing the furnace and unloading and reloading the chunks and nothing happened, I also tried copy pasting a different furnace and nothing happened still. So it is only the furnace in the visitor centre in this instance.

Initially we suspected it was the stained glass but I had also tested that as well and no issues arose from copy/pasting it as it is it's own block.

Now the scary thing is I haven't figured out why it caused this reaction, but I believe this issue is also the culprit to other chunks being reloaded as well. I just recently checked the island in which I'm making the new language hub on, and 3 chunks which had furnaces in them were overwritten.

I powered a furnace and pasted it at this location and caused the chunk error after I reloaded the chunks, furnaces being powered seems to be the issue, although there was no noticeable redstone in the VC near the furnace. Likely to do with world edit, but similar issues have happened with player placed blocks in the past.

http://minecraftonline.com/map/#/463/67/-14739/-1/0/0 http://minecraftonline.com/map/#/6695/71/-6215/-1/0/0

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