Crash at launch when combined with i3 and Awards

Issue #20 resolved
Gábriel Németh created an issue

When I want to use Everness together with the mods i3 and Awards, I get the following error:

ModError: Failed to load and run script from D:\Programok\Játékok\Minetest\bin\..\mods\everness\init.lua:
...rogramok\Játékok\Minetest\bin\..\mods\everness/api.lua:1954: attempt to index global 'i3' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    ...rogramok\Játékok\Minetest\bin\..\mods\everness/api.lua:1954: in function 'encyclopedia_i3_register_page'
    ...rogramok\Játékok\Minetest\bin\..\mods\everness/api.lua:1790: in function 'encyclopedia_init'
    ...ogramok\Játékok\Minetest\bin\..\mods\everness\init.lua:219: in main chunk

Apparently, combining Everness only with i3 is fine and the game can be launched without issues. But once I activate Awards too, the above error appears.

I tried to find the cause of the issue but as my knowledge of both Lua itself and of the Minetest codebase is quite rudimentary, had no success yet, so I’m just reporting this issue now, with no idea for a fix yet. If you manage to find and fix it, please let me know how you found it.

Thanks in advance.

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