Error running everness in Minetest 5.6.0

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue

I encountered this error in my stable Minetest 5.6.0 : AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'everness' in callback environment_Step(): attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: [C]: in function 'set_stars' ...ry/Application Support/minetest/mods/everness/skybox.lua:82: in function <...ry/Application Support/minetest/mods/everness/skybox.lua:21> in function <> The game would crash after about 3 seconds running with no other mods than everness and the default mods of Minetest. But when I use this mod in Minetest 5.5.0, nothing seems to be happening. I do not know anything about coding so I cannot do anything. I really wanted to use your mod in my game, so if you accept opening this issue, I would be grateful.

Comments (11)

  1. Juraj Vajda

    this is old issue from StarNinjas37 which was fixed, also the lines where the error occurs seems to not exists anymore what leads me to believe you are running old version of Everness. Can you please confirm that you are running latest version of Everness?

  2. Juraj Vajda

    I have opened a PR for this here but would like to first confirm if this is happening on latest Everness version or old one. Since its hard for me to reproduce (could not reproduce it) and similar issue was fixed in the past I will hold on merge the PR since its just too excessive check for player.

    If this error occurs for multiple people or on the latest Everness version I can merge the PR and hope for the best.

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