ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error

Issue #9 resolved
Morpho Blue created an issue

error happen with server 5.7.0-dev

ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'x_bows' in callback environment_Step(): ...etest/bin/../games/minetest_game/mods/player_api/api.lua:96: assertion failed!
ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
ERROR[Main]: [C]: in function 'get_player_data'
ERROR[Main]: ...etest/bin/../games/minetest_game/mods/player_api/api.lua:96: in function 'get_textures'
ERROR[Main]: /opt/minetest/minetest/bin/../mods/x_bows/api.lua:2530: in function 'func'
ERROR[Main]: /opt/minetest/minetest/bin/../builtin/common/after.lua:20: in function </opt/minetest/minetest/bin/../builtin/common/after.lua:5>
ERROR[Main]: /opt/minetest/minetest/bin/../builtin/common/register.lua:26: in function </opt/minetest/minetest/bin/../builtin/common/register.lua:12>

Comments (4)

  1. Juraj Vajda

    I do understand where is the error coming from so I have added an extra check. Though I cannot reproduce the issue so cant 100% sure confirm the extra added check will cover all scenarios. In case you have steps on how to reproduce the error (after you updated x_bows with the latest fixes) then please open new issue.

    Thank you for reporting.

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