Thaumcraft 3 plug-in requested

Issue #43 new
Former user created an issue

It would be nice to have this plug-in as those people like me who like to see the recipes instead of spending a lot of time hunting research down and getting frustrated as to why things won't craft. Also, to avoid rude people who constantly state "it's in the read-me/manual/Tome of Knowledge...look it up".

Comments (4)

  1. Franco Gastón Pellegrini

    if you do that, the hole research system will be ruined. If you read the hint in the discovery, you will know ALL the materials you need (this was intentionally). If you don't like the research, you can change the config file, allowing the cheat-magic-book that contain ALL the recipes from the beginning or you can change the difficult of the researches to a 100% success for example.

  2. Julian Hupp (Alucard Nightroad)

    Also knowing the recipes won't help you. If you don't have the research then you can't use the recipe. Thaumcraft was built entirely around the research that is the only way to play the game.

  3. Parth Sutaria

    I would like it if we could see the aspects if we Shift-Hover over stuff in nei so i know what to get for the research.

  4. abood218

    It would be nice if he can make a plugin for Thaumcraft 3 that shows the recipe for the items that you already discovered like Thaumcraft 2.

    EDIT: just realised that the thauminomicon shows what you discover stupid me :P.

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