Quick recipes

Issue #60 wontfix
Bukk created an issue

Hi! I've install NEI with plugin. But if i am added GrechTech addon to my klient, NEI will become crazy! In most of recipes is lot's of variants to craft. That's good,that's doing Gregtech. But NEI changing recipes automaticly too quick! I can't craft anything when there's 15 different recipes and they changed every 1 sec! Can you know how fix it?

Comments (5)

  1. Bukk reporter

    But how make if i am try to craft it? Always wait for my recipe? Can i somehow disable this sh*t?

  2. Kalle Last

    Just shift+click on the question mark and NEI will fill the crafting grid with items from your inventory that match the recipe. You don't need to wait for the specific ones you have to show up in the preview.

    E.g if you have something that requires either IC2 circuit or forestry tubes and you only have circuits and you shift-click the question mark while recipe shows the tube version it'll still use the circuit from your inventory. In other words, this is a complete non-issue

  3. mistaqur repo owner

    It's NEI behaviour. I'm already suggested that ChickenBones should increase delay between slot changes, instead he added pause ability (when you hold Shift). He don't want increase delay because this function intented to display lot of simular items in one slots (mostly it's diffeently colored wools, ingots and logs\planks), and Gregtech recipes is unusual case.

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