Massive FPS drop whenever NEI opens

Issue #75 resolved
Pepa Zdepa created an issue

Hello there.

I just installed latest Tekkit Lite 0.61 and I'm having massive FPS drop lasting about 3-5 seconds after opening my inventory, chest or any machine. Simply - any time NEI opens.

Since that's what I do half my playtime in Tekkit, I couln't stand it. So I started some testing and found out that it's NEI plugins causing this.

I was long time player of Tekkit Classic (using older versions of NEI + NEI plugins) and never had this issue, so I'm assuming there is some new extra checking and processing being done in latest NEI plugins.

Is there any chance you could tell me what that is and /or how to disable it so I just play (sacrificing some nice but CPU intensive feature). Is there some config that could help? Could I just delete some .class files from the .jar?

Maybe it's something that should only happen first time when you load NEI, instead of every single time?..

I would love to be able to track down exactly what is causing this, but I have no idea how, sorry.

So any help most welcome. Thank you for your time!

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