No support for last mod versions in MC 1.4.7

Issue #77 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm running last versions of IndustrialCraft2 (1.115.207-lf), BuildCraft (3.4.3), Railcraft (, Forestry ( and Forge (, all for Minecraft 1.4.7. Also running NotEnoughItems version and CodeChickenCore 0.8.1

I'm frustrated by the absence of a NEI-Plugins version compatible with last mod versions for MC 1.4.7. What's the point on uploading an updated version if most of the people here are not using that outdated versions?

I hope for an updated version with this mods versions or I'll have to stop using NEI & NEI-Plugins since IC2&other mods won't publish a 1.5.1 version for a time, so no point in waiting for a NEI-Plugins 1.5.1 version.

I hope you consider this point of view, and I hope you won't take this as a ramble of someone frustrated.

Comments (2)

  1. mistaqur repo owner

    I HATE update NEI and CCC, because it require fully reinstall mcp and forge, Also i'm need update all CCC related mods (Ender Storage, WRCBE), And all links require visit

    Updated to NEI and CCC (latest versions for MC 1.4.7).

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