No items show up in NEI with NEI Plugins installed.

Issue #98 resolved
KitKat created an issue

No items show up in NEI with NEI Plugins installed.

CodeChickenCore Version - NEI Version - NEI Plugins Version - NEI Addons Version - 1.5.2-1.4.r2

This also only seems to affect about 50% of the people on my server.

I have not found any relevant information in the logs.

Comments (15)

  1. KitKat reporter

    No, I removed everything one by one, and any combination, Removing NEI Plugins is the only thing that fixes it.

  2. mistaqur repo owner

    Try delete "mistaqur/nei/NEIPlugins_FuelTooltip.class" from NEIPlugins jar. And can you write list of used mods?

  3. KitKat reporter

    CodeChickenCore COFHCore GalacticCraft Immibis Microblocks NEI PowerCrystalsCore TwitchTVIRC VoxelMap adv repulsion systems advanced machines applied energistics bibliocraft biomes-o-plenty buildcraft chargepads ChickenChunks ComputerCraft EE3 EnderStorage Extra bees Extra Utilities Factorization Flat Bedrock Forestry GravityGun GregTech IC2 Nuclear Control iChunUtil immibis core industrial craft inventory tweaks iron chests Liquid XP Mine Chem MineFactoryReloaded Modular Powersuits Modular Powersuits Addons Advanced Solar Panels GraviSuite Natura NEIAddons NetherOres OmniTools PortalGun PowerConverters RailCraft StevesCarts Tinkers Construct Thaumcraft Thaumic Bees Thermal Expansion tubestuff twilight forest damage indicators Ars Magica NEI Plugins Secret Rooms If you pm me your email, I can add you to the google drive to see versions.

  4. mistaqur repo owner

    Try detect problem plugin by delete files from this list one by one from "mistaqur/nei" folder inside NEIPlugins jar:

    • NEIPlugins_Buildcraft.class

    • NEIPlugins_Forestry.class

    • NEIPlugins_GregTech.class

    • NEIPlugins_IC2.class

    • NEIPlugins_MFR.class

    • NEIPlugins_Railcraft.class

    • NEIPlugins_TE.class

  5. mistaqur repo owner

    Leave them. Also leave NEIPlugins_FuelTooltip.class (because i want locate problem plugin).

  6. Super Snake

    Good luck in updating this for the latest NEI & IC2 and whatnot. Looking forward to including it in my mod pack.

    For what it's worth, I removed the fueltooltip classes and ended up getting another IC2 error:

    2013-05-22 10:59:09 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: mistaqur/nei/ic2/GuiValuableOreList 2013-05-22 10:59:09 [INFO] [STDERR] at mistaqur.nei.NEIPlugins_IC2.initHandlers(

  7. Super Snake

    Cool, I won't worry about it. I have heard that NEI & CCC are causing a lot of crashes with mods as they are all updating for v1.5.2, so it doesn't surprise me. I'll check back in a week or so, thanks.

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