Apache have changed the download archive URLs

Issue #22 invalid
Kenny MacLeod created an issue

mvnvm looks in http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/ to locate the binaries of maven to download. However, the last version of maven that was put there was 3.2.3.

It looks like Apache have changed the directory structure of their archives as of version 3.2.4. mvnvm will need updating to look for newer versions in the correct places.

For example, 3.2.5 is available at http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.2.5/binaries/

Comments (3)

  1. Alex Courtis
    Kenny MacLeod
    3:02 pm
    @alex https://bitbucket.org/mjensen/mvnvm/issue/22/apache-have-changed-the-download-archive
    Alex "No Forks" Courtis
    3:02 pm
    I _just_ put in a new PR for the mvnvm brew
    Kenny MacLeod
    3:03 pm
    I just tried mvnvm with 3.2.5, it durnt worky
    time for mvnvmvm?
    Sam Day [Atlassian]
    3:03 pm
    I have always wondered why Apache are assholes and don't provide a download script that you can provide an artifact + version and it redirects you to a mirror
    Sam Day [Atlassian]
    3:05 pm
    If you look at Homebrew source, it does some weirdo stuff to download from Apache mirrors
    Kenny MacLeod
    3:06 pm
    Sam Day [Atlassian]
    3:07 pm
    They do provide a script it seems
    Sam Day [Atlassian]
    3:07 pm
    Though that only provides a list of mirror URLs I think, hmmm
    Alex "No Forks" Courtis
    3:08 pm
    fuck fuck fuckity fuck maven 2 and 3 come from different archives
    might still steal that mirror detector though ;)
    Kenny MacLeod
    3:09 pm
    better yet, the /maven-2/ archive only contains mavens 2.0.x and 2.2.x, not 2.1.x, which is still in the old archive
    it's hilarious
  2. Alex Courtis

    Hrmmmm looks fine to me

    13/01/2015 15:44:52 [1.8.0_20] (master)
    export debug=true
    13/01/2015 15:44:57 [1.8.0_20] (master)
    [MVNVM] maven version: 3.2.5
    [MVNVM] Using maven: 3.2.5
    [MVNVM] Maven 3.2.5 not currently installed
    [MVNVM]             downloading: apache-maven-3.2.5-bin.zip
    [MVNVM]                      to: /Users/acourtis/.mvnvm/apache-maven-3.2.5-bin.zip
    [MVNVM]        preferred mirror: http://mirror.rackcentral.com.au/apache/maven/maven-3/3.2.5/binaries/apache-maven-3.2.5-bin.zip
    [MVNVM]              extracting: /Users/acourtis/.mvnvm/apache-maven-3.2.5
    [MVNVM] Executing maven from /Users/acourtis/.mvnvm/apache-maven-3.2.5
    [MVNVM] Will execute /Users/acourtis/.mvnvm/apache-maven-3.2.5/bin/mvn 
    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [INFO] Inspecting build with total of 4 modules...
    [INFO] Installing Nexus Staging features:
    [INFO]   ... total of 4 executions of maven-deploy-plugin replaced with nexus-staging-maven-plugin
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Kenny MacLeod reporter

    Yep, turns out I was running an old, pre-homebrew version of mvnvm. Reinstalled from homebrew, and now it's fine.

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