sha256 for zip has changed

Issue #33 resolved
Trey Harris created an issue

In homebrew the formula's sha256 for is given as

  url ""
  sha256 "740d8a4605ef60c01b4ba9160bd1954adb727428092f0694a5d0d5403522dc02"

but the zipfile found at that URL actually has the sha256 b2953ec2e4c94849f6764db3e6079f397e117c65a2e80e59af03a6bda013a80b. I don't know whether the homebrew sha256 needs to be updated or the zipfile has been corrupted, but the homebrew formula is newer than the zipfile, so something's wrong here.

This makes the install instructions impossible to follow using the homebrew method.

Comments (5)

  1. mjensenbitbucket-bot repo owner

    Thanks Trey, I'll look in to this asap, it may be that bitbucket regenerated the zip.

  2. mjensenbitbucket-bot repo owner

    Looks like there has been changes to the way the zips are generated and therefore the hash has changed, ill get an alternative download URL asap.

  3. mjensenbitbucket-bot repo owner

    Brew have merged the rerelease and 1.0.8 now installing. You will need to 'brew update'.

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