Create homebrew formula for easy installation on OSX

Issue #6 resolved
Andrew S created an issue

It seems fairly easy to add a formula to homebrew.

This would increase the uptake of mvnvm by lazy OSX users like me.

Comments (8)

  1. Andrew S Account Deactivated reporter

    This formula I wrote seems to do the job:

    require "formula"
    # Homebrew formula to install mvnvm, the Maven Version Manager, see
    class Mvnvm < Formula
      homepage ""
      url ""
      version "0.1"  # Bump this when master contains a change to distribute
      sha1 "8a005f44895844f4d705cdaaf27104f16e752482" # brew install tells us if wrong or missing
      def install
        bin.install "mvn" # Sets the executable flag for us
        ohai "If you previously installed mvnvm manually, please remove it using `rm -f ~/bin/mvn`"
        ohai "And if you have any other Maven installations on your path, remove them too."
        ohai ""
        ohai "Running `mvn -version` should now output something like `[MVNVM] Using maven: x.y.z`, etc."
      conflicts_with 'maven',
        :because => 'instead of installing Maven via Homebrew, you should use mvnvm to manage your Maven versions.'
      test do
        # Run the test with `brew test mvnvm`
        system "mvn", "-version"

    It tells Homebrew to install the latest archive from the master branch as version 0.1. Homebrew will download the latest version whenever we bump the synthetic version number in this formula.

    @mjensen, are you happy for me to submit a PR to the Homebrew folks?

  2. Andrew S Account Deactivated reporter

    I don't seem to be able to assign this issue to myself, happy for anyone else to do that.

  3. mjensenbitbucket-bot repo owner

    I have changed the permissions so this issue can be assigned to you. Go ahead and PR the formula to brew!

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