!shaped-rest not working

Issue #5 resolved
Jim Bragg created an issue

Using Shaped Sheet 15.1.0 and 15.1.1 and Shaped Script 11.0.1

!shaped-config to set up new characters to have a token action available to execute rests.

When the rests macro is clicked the dialog box asks for short or long correctly however when you select either one you get the following

Shaped Scripts Error Unrecognised or poorly formed option type short


Shaped Scripts Error Unrecognised or poorly formed option type long

This occurs on both existing characters from previous versions of the sheet and script and new characters using 15.1.1 and 11.0.1.

As of 15.1.1 and 11.0.1 this behavior occurs with both PC's and NPC's

Comments (12)

  1. Mark Lenser repo owner

    11.1.0 is the latest version of the script. Please verify it happens in that case.

    If it does pleasee import a character to my test campaign and verify it happens there.

  2. Jim Bragg reporter

    Same results on 11.1.0 ... tried to Export the character from my Character Vault into the Shaped Testing game. The character is not showing up in the game.

  3. Mark Lenser repo owner

    What is the character named? It's there, just not visible as you don't have control.

  4. Mark Lenser repo owner

    All of my characters were able to rest with the proper notifications today. This bug should've been fixed so I'll need to see the character where it breaks.

  5. Jim Bragg reporter

    Character name is Angharad Carric

    If it helps in the campaign I have said character in the Rests Token Action is

    !shaped-rest --type ?{Rest type|Short,short|Long,long}

    The API output is

    API sandbox shutdown due to campaign inactivity. Spinning up new sandbox... "Starting webworker script..." "Loading 962 translation strings to worker..." "5eShapedScript 1500422867599 INFO : -=> ShapedScript v11.1.0 <=-" "5eShapedScript 1500422869603 INFO : Detected sheet version as : 15.1.1" "5eShapedScript 1500422869605 INFO : Configuration state: {\"version\":4.8,\"config\": "5eShapedScript 1500422896125 ERROR : Error: Unrecognised or poorly formed option type short"

  6. Mark Lenser repo owner

    !shaped-rest --short is the command. Though I have an error when running it from the script that I'll investigate. It works fine from the sheet.

  7. Jim Bragg reporter

    Yes from the sheet it works just fine, both short and long rest from the sheet is fine but this is a script issue.

    Hopefully, these pics will upload and give you a better picture of what I was trying to say with words and have failed.

    Issue Recreation Step One.png

    Issue Recreation Steps two and Three.png

    Issue Step 4.png

    Issue Step 5.png

  8. Michael Anderson (Scarstitchez)

    I am running into the same issue with rests on the Token actions and also getting errors from offense token actions. 15.1.1 and 11.1.0. Offense errors on all player sheets is :


    NPC token actions created with !shaped-abilities --actions seems to work fine but rests do not. Player sheet tokens created using !shaped-abilities --offense create with no errors but give the above when used. This campaign will start in 2 hours and my players are fine using their own macros or just rolling from the sheet for tonight. If you need an add I will get you in Tomorrow after I check back here.

    Thank you for all your work on this stuff man. My groups love these sheets and script. We have been using them for a LONG time now.

  9. Mark Lenser repo owner

    @Scarstitchez That seems unrelated to the issue that you've posted in. This issue is about rests, not offense items

    It looks like you have an old version of the script? Please ensure you have the latest. Those should be %{repeating_offense_ID_roll}. roll, not offense at the end.

  10. Michael Anderson (Scarstitchez)

    OK I will pull it from the raw again but spinning up it says 11.1.0 and it was working yesterday. I am starting to think I am having api issues all around because it is doing it in another campaign that worked fine for my game 2 nights ago and I havent touched it since...we will deal and I will look into it all tomorrow. Sorry for the derail...I should have checked a working campaign first.

  11. Mark Lenser repo owner

    Setting up rests in the next version will not use --type, but will be !shaped-rest --short as intended. You can manually change it for now. Sorry for the inconvience. I thought I had preserved the old way of it working, but it seems not.

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