/.zfs/ directory works differently on Linux - possible fix?

Issue #5 new
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On linux, it seems that rather than a single .zfs directory, there's one per fs which list each filesystem's snapshots, so getting rid of expired snapshots doesn't work.

Rather than ls /.zfs/snapshot/, you could try the following:

# prune dbs if requested
if [ "x$maxnum" != x ]
    zfs list -H -t snapshot -s creation -o name | grep ^$zpool\@$label_pfx- | awk "NR > $maxnum {print}" | while read snapname
        zfs destroy -r $snapname || exit $?

This works nicely on Ubuntu and I think it should work on BSD too, but obviously would benefit from a little testing!

Comments (4)

  1. cdnt

    Spotted a typo so signed up to comment - it should be "-S creation" with an uppercase S, not lowercase...

  2. francoisstark

    On Ubuntu 14.04 the /.zfs directory did not exits, but I found the snapshots listed under /[poolname]/.zfs/snapshot/, so I just change line 77 to be:

    ls /$zpool/.zfs/snapshot/ ....

    which seems to be a smaller change from the original code.

  3. cdnt

    ...but using ls will not work if the mount point is changed (mine is). The version using zfs list works wherever a pool or fs is mounted. And should also work across operating systems or if someone has set listsnapshots=off. It might be a bigger change, but is more robust.

  4. Willard Korfhage

    Alternatively, you can replace

    ls /.zfs/snapshot


    ls zfs get -H -o value mountpoint $zpool/.zfs/snapshot/

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