Unable to perform function evaluation on the process being debugged. VS 2019 community.

Issue #16 new
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VS 2019 community. "Unable to perform function evaluation on the process being debugged.

Cannot evaluate expression because a thread is stopped at a point where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because the code is optimized.

at Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers.Impl.VisualizerObjectProvider.Create(IVisualizerObjectProviderInternal visualizerObjectProviderInternal) at ClrCustomVisualizerVSHost.ClrCustomVisualizerVSHostHelper.DisplayValue(IntPtr hWnd, SuccessEvaluationResultProxy evaluationResult, Int32 selectedIndex, DkmApiVersion protocolVersion) "

Comments (4)

  1. Mladen Mihajlovic repo owner

    Hmm maybe they changed something again with an update. Can you tell me exactly which version of VS2019 you have?

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