Get Values

Issue #5 closed
Hugo Lopes created an issue


How can i get the current language to get specific translations.

Another question, how can i block languages?

My code is:

'locale' => array( 'localeBasedRedirect' => true, 'defaultLocale' => 'en', 'sessionKey' => 'applocale', 'doubleCheckBrowserDefaultLangs' => true, 'useGeoIP' => false, //'geoIPEdition' => GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION, 'availableLocales' => array( 'en', 'fr', ) )

I want when a user enter for example the url redirects to default

Thanks in advanced..

Comments (4)

  1. Mark Garrett repo owner

    If you don't want users to fgo to /fr, you should remove it from availableLocales.

    To get the current locale you should be able to use $this->locale->getLocale() in any class that extends Phalcon\DI\Injectable such as Phalcon\Mvc\Controller.

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