No Claim this Listing Button

Issue #27 closed
kaitlynrobison created an issue

Claim this listing button needed for non-advertisers

Comments (7)

  1. Jason Pollock

    We need to do some thinking re: the process of claiming content from the vendors pov, but this task in itself is resolved.

  2. kaitlynrobison reporter

    Did this process get established? I know there was talk of sending an email to the original author of the content in order to approve the person trying to claim the listing. Jen is having a lot of trouble with vendors trying to claim their listing and then nothing happens. We are ending up getting contacted by them saying they can't figure it out and then we go in manually and assign them as an author.

  3. Josh Harmon repo owner

    Please provide examples. The other day Doug was having an issue with this as well, and it turned out to be settings on the vendors.

  4. kaitlynrobison reporter

    It is not the same issue as when vendors aren't marked as active. These are new vendors that don't already have an account (Signature Events by Barbie was one). Jen says she hit claim this listing and it took her to this page (screenshot). She said Jessica Dum Weddings had that same problem too. However, she had an account. She just needed to be assigned to her business. But no one had been notified of this.


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