is django-url-tools still alive?

Issue #8 new
tim feirg created an issue

django-url-tools is awesome, @Munni , are you going to continue manage this project? I think it'd be nice if this PR are merged.

Comments (4)

  1. Branko Vukelic

    We are no longer managing this project. If you would like to fork and maintain it, feel free to do so.

  2. tim feirg reporter

    I'd very much like so, but I lack experience, I wanted to merge the mentioned PR and release it to pypi, do I need your pypi password in order to do that? (am I even allowed to do that?)

    if that's possible, my email is

  3. Nicolas Laurance

    @brankovukelic we'd be happy to take over maintenance and release 0.0.9 with latest PR merged, python 3 compat and circleCI monitoring. please let me know what you think

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