[ANDROID] Proposal / Movesense mobile lib - convenience methods

Issue #11 resolved
J Pode created an issue

Android Library: 0.0.2 SW version: 1.7.5


as a developer I'd like to have sufficient control to destroy/reset Movesense object. E.g. in the case of using Android service with life cycle create/destroy it would be needed.

Current Android + Movesense 0.0.2 behavior is as follows:

  1. initializing Movesense
  2. connect device
  3. disconnect device
  4. set references to null
  5. initialize Movesense again ... fails miserably with complaint "Already created one instance"

Another useful method would be a method to test if Movesense is connected.

Thanks, Juha Poutiainen

Comments (2)

  1. Karol Baran Account Deactivated

    Hey @jpout.

    Please update Android app / source code. Already we did a lot of changes.

    If something is wrong or You have any proposition about new version please feel free to give as feedback.

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