Android Showcase app can't connect to firmware 2.2.0

Issue #117 resolved
Matthew Berryman created an issue
  • Mobile device model and OS version: Samsung Galaxy A54 5G
  • Movesense mobile library version: 3.15.0
  • Movesense firmware version: 2.2.0
  • Movesense hardware version: OP174
  • Reproduction steps:

Build any of the sample apps from Movesense-device-lib (I am on commit c9c12269314fc86bcbb7619ac08a1954a1d722e of that repo) and using the Docker image tag 2.2 ( Docker image hash 6d929a7684822e90009ef4224a508f14639a07515bd436eee3066848381c9403 ) and the Showcase app from the Movesense-mobile lib (commit hash c7cc4933823553d2ad3f67db458c507a633ab33d ). Trying to connect for online viewing (Movesense button in the Android showcase app) or go to the DFU section for firmware and selecting the firmware file and device and try to connect results in the following errors in Logcat and loss of functionality. The iOS showcase app works fine and shows the firmware version as 2.2.0 and data from the sensor firmware.

2023-12-13 16:12:36.229 7556-7874 Komposti com.movesense.showcaseapp I SDS::SyncBase poll response: {"Uri": "/net/214730001453/Info", "Content-Length": 0, "Reason": "REQUEST_TIMEOUT", "Status": 408}
2023-12-13 16:12:36.230 7556-7874 Komposti com.movesense.showcaseapp I [SDS REQUEST] type: PUT uri: sds://MDS/ConnectingDevices contract: {"Address": "10000001", "Serial": "214730001453", "State": "FailedToConnect"}
2023-12-13 16:12:36.230 7556-7874 Komposti com.movesense.showcaseapp E DeviceConnector::connectToWbDevice: Device 214730001453 unresponsive on connect

Comments (16)

  1. Petri Lipponen

    This is a weird issue. We have locally tested connectivity to the 2.2 with many apps (including Showcase). There may be some cached bluetooth setting on your phone causing the incompatibility. Please try:

    Please let us know if these don’t fix the issue.

  2. Matthew Berryman reporter

    Tested after each step with the same error.

    I have a Samsung A54 running One UI 6.0 Android version 14

  3. Lucas Cooper

    I’m also able to reproduce using a Pixel 6 Pro running Android 14, with the same error message. Same Movesense device + firmware works perfectly with the iOS showcase app.

  4. Lucas Cooper

    I also built the same application (simple_ecglogger_app) with core 2.1.5 and both the showcase and DataLoggerSample apps were able to connect just fine.

  5. Petri Lipponen

    Thanks for reporting this, and the extra info. Looks like it may be something to do with Android 14 in combination with firmware 2.2.0. We’ll look into it in the coming weeks.

  6. Petri Lipponen

    We’ve studied the issue here and found that:

    • When trying to connect to Movesense 2.2.0 without scanning for the sensor first, the Samsung BLE stack stops passing data after the sensor has requested 2M phy mode and the DLE request has been handled.
    • If the app scans for the sensor first before requesting the connection, the above requests succeed and data transmission does not get stuck and everything works ok. After this, disconnect/reconnect work ok as well.
    • There are no bad packets or protocol errors happening on the bluetooth radio (based on BLE sniffer logs)
    • There are no sensor errors happening.
    • Logcat shows no errors on the Android system.

    We’ve sent a detailed bug report to Samsung in hope that this gets fixed in a future update.

  7. Matthew Berryman reporter

    • When trying to connect to Movesense 2.2.0 without scanning for the sensor first, the Samsung BLE stack stops passing data after the sensor has requested 2M phy mode and the DLE request has been handled.
    • If the app scans for the sensor first before requesting the connection, the above requests succeed and data transmission does not get stuck and everything works ok. After this, disconnect/reconnect work ok as well.

    Even after scanning, I am unable to connect.

    We’ve sent a detailed bug report to Samsung in hope that this gets fixed in a future update.

    Lucas Cooper is also reporting the same issue from his non-Samsung device (the Google Pixel 6 Pro), so the issue seems at the OS level.

  8. Petri Lipponen

    Ok, looks like this is quite wide spread with all Android 14 devices. We’ll prioritize and try to find a workaround for 2.2.1 hotfix release.

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