[IOS] How to get information about connected devices from Movesense SDK?

Issue #22 invalid
Łukasz Haraźny created an issue

Movesense framework: pod 'Movesense', :git => 'ssh://git@altssh.bitbucket.org:443/suunto/movesense-mobile-lib.git', :branch => 'feature/iOS-MDS-library-into-use'

What should I do to check whether the application is connected to Movesense device?

  1. doGet for "MDS/ConnectedDevices"

    • It looks that this method doesn't always return information immediately and sometimes I need to wait very long time to get response.
  2. CBCentralManager retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices:)

    • This is not a good solution as it returns also devices connected to other apps. Next thing is that I need to mix CBCentralManager and Movesense SDK code.

Comments (4)

  1. Jukka Halonen

    doGet for "MDS/ConnectedDevices" is the correct way to do it and there is something wrong somewhere if it takes significant amount time (how long is that "very long time" in your case?)

  2. Łukasz Haraźny reporter

    @jukkahalonen I had this situation twice and I think I needed to wait for the response until Bluetooth event occurred (connected or disconnected). Maybe it was related with auto reconnect. For sure it happended when I was testing continously connect and disconnect actions.

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