Movesense Connectivity sample App does not see the list of available devices

Issue #71 closed
ets created an issue

I have take pack application from download repository and i have build with android studio, the issue is after installation on my phone and activation of Bleutooth ( i see the movesense device in the peripheral device list but ) I don't see the devices on Movesense Connectivity sample App. I push scan but after nothing, i turn off on the bleutooth but it's the same nothing. The movesense devices are new. the diode flashes red every 5 seconds, this is normal. I think the issue is in software sample for android studio.

Comments (7)

  1. Ton de Graaff

    Is your movesense connecting easily with the HRVelite app on Android? Please check!

    I have the same problem, probably.

  2. Petri Lipponen

    Have you enabled the Location permission for the app and Location services on the phone? Those are required in the new Androids.

  3. Bernhard Schenkenfelder

    I can’t seem to be able to run the Showcase app successfully. I can see the Movesense device in the Android Bluethooth settings, pairing works perfectly. Also, I can easily connect the Movesense device to the Elite HRV app, as described above. The location services are requested and granted in the app. What else can I do?

    Please advise, thank you!

  4. Bernhard Schenkenfelder

    I managed to install two different versions of the Showcase/Example app on a Samsung Galaxy A40. Using the older app, I can connect to the sensor and subsribe to its sensors. However, using the newer app, I cannot connect to the sensor:

    Application Version: 1.9.14
    Library Version: 3.15.0

    Application Version: 1.8
    Library Version: 1.13.0

    Where can I download the source code of the older app? There are no tags in Git.

    Thank you!

  5. Petri Lipponen

    All the old versions are part of the git history. If the app has all the relevant permissions, then it could be that the sensor is already connected to another app/device. If that is the case, then it does not show up in the scan.

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