DataLogger service to be configured to subscribe to your own whiteboard resource

Issue #86 resolved
Igor Protopopov created an issue

Have investigated sample code to subscribe DataLogger to move sensors.
But failed to subscribe to my own whiteboard resource.
As example used jump counter from jump count sample.
And have tried to connect to it by
DataLoggerConfig.DataEntry[] entries = {new DataLoggerConfig.DataEntry('/Sample/JumpCounter/JumpCount')};
But get only last value, not all the values.

What need to do else?
Or have some sample of DataLogger service to be configured to subscribe to your own whiteboard resource?

Comments (9)

  1. Petri Lipponen

    Looks like there is an issue with the SBEM=>JSON conversion when using just primitive value service (the actual binary data stored in sensor memory contains all the notifications). It works correctly if the notification type in your own service is a more complex type, so for now I’d recommend you change your service return type.

  2. Petri Lipponen

    There are two cases where this happens:
    1. primitive valued subscription
    2. subscription with one-piece path: /AAAAAAAA/Subscription with object value

    Avoiding those cases in your service avoids this issue.

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