Wrong installation of MPI4PY

Issue #157 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello there, first of all the library is really useful I have seen the power it has for parallelization. After saying that, the installation of mpi4py has given me trouble. I have installed open-mpi and mpich with homebrew and you can see the information of both of them

I followed previous issues like the following: https://bitbucket.org/mpi4py/mpi4py/issues/81/release-with-openmpi-30-support

but I cannot pip install mpi4py and the following big red message appears:

I think this happen because MPI4pY is not matching with none of the above open-mpi or mpich. If you could help me out solbing this issue would be of great help.

thank you in adance,


Comments (3)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    Please look again at the output yo sent. You will notice that brew is telling you both Open MPI and MPICH are Not Installed. Either you never installed them, or you have a mess in your homebrew installation. Try to fix things this way:

    brew uninstall openmpi
    brew uninstall mpich
    brew doctor
    brew install mpich # or openmpi
    which mpicc # should print the path to the mpicc compiler wrapper

    After that, try again pip install mpi4py.

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