get_address fails on arm

Issue #29 resolved
Thomas Spura created an issue

It seems that there is an failure on arm with openmpi:

FAIL: testGetAddress (test_datatype.TestGetAddress)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test/", line 360, in testGetAddress
    self.assertEqual(addr, bufptr)
AssertionError: -2128074816 != 2166892480L

It seems some cython type might be wrong, but actually this could also be a MPI failure and not mpi4py's...

The full log can be found here.

Comments (4)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    This is a signed vs unsigned integer issue. MPI_Get_address() returns addresses as MPI_Int (signed integral type), while Python is returning addresses as unsigned integer (but this is not consistent across Python versions, however I should check the status of this for Py26+). See yourself:

    >>> from struct import *
    >>> unpack('i', pack('I', 2166892480))

    In other words, the test case is broken and should be fixed.

  2. Thomas Spura reporter

    It seems MPI_Int has a different size on arm than on the other arches. Does this imply, that it is not possible to mix different arches in a multi node MPI program? (I'm just asking being curious, not if such a call would make sense ;)) I always expected to have MPI_Int of the same size accross architectures.

  3. Lisandro Dalcin

    Sorry, my previous comment is misleading. I was talking about MPI_Aint (not the A in the name).

    MPI_Aint should be equivalent to intptr_t. IOW, MPI_Aint is a signed integral type large enough to represent any address, e.g., in i386 MPI_Aint should be plain C int.

    About muti-arch MPI runs (heterogeneous environments in the parlance of the MPI standard), that is perfectly possible, though the MPI implementation has to provide support for it.

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