Chances of moving to Github

Issue #45 new
Former user created an issue

Hi, just a curiosity at this point, but what are the chances this repository could move to Github? I think there are scripts that preserve issues and such.

For me the benefit would be keeping things more cohesive, since there are orphaned game-music-emu forks on Github (like kode54's) without any connection to this canonical source. As well as the fact that @mentions don't work across the boundaries, etc.

Comments (14)

  1. Michael Pyne repo owner

    I’m open to it if there’s demand for it, I already have a Github account.

    I’m not super eager to do a lot of work for the migration but if someone would like to volunteer to help, or a move would help find someone with more time to maintain it, that would help get it going.

  2. Wohlstand Account Deactivated

    I could try to help. I contribute to this project often as I actively use it at my end. That depends on how much you going to migrate it:
    - just a source code only: simply create a similar repository at your Github account and push all your local stuff into it, or probably use GitHub’s mirror feature
    - include issues: there is a transfer bot needed to be used (the similar bot has been used by SDL folks to transfer all their issues from their Bugzilla thing)
    - transfer wiki: they should be basically a bunch of MD files that can be re-uploaded into GitHub side wiki with less effort.

    Additionally, I highly recommend you to join your close friends to help maintain the project (if don’t do your own work, just to review/accept/reject pull-requests from contributors, etc.) Otherwise, because almost nobody actively maintains this repository, my pull requests get awaiting for months…

  3. mywave

    The source-tree-browser in Github is more userfriendly.

    Also I agree to @Wohlstand. Teaming up with at least one more person is feasible to avoid possible orphan project. I have experienced that adding persons to the project is positive for minimum receiving bug fixes and minor updates.

  4. Leandro Nini

    You can create an organization on github and add people to it, so the project won’t be tied to a single person.

  5. Wohlstand Account Deactivated

    Good idea. At first, I’ll need just a personal grant (permission) from @Michael Pyne that he is fine that I’ll make the thing. And I will need a link to his GitHub account, so I can add him into the staff list.

  6. Wohlstand Account Deactivated

    Bad news for me: my account will be removed after one month because of totally unfair reasons. So, I will be totally unable to contribute/maintain this Bitbucket copy of the repo, so, I made my copy of it: .

    Also, by a luck, I found the account of @Michael Pyne , seems it’s here

    So, I guess, I could just pick up this project to my side if @Michael Pyne is totally unable to maintain it during his personal reasons. The last problem remaining is a necessary to import issues from this repo to GitHub. I don’t have enough permission to access necessary API to export issues from Bitbucket repo.

  7. mywave

    There are currently 24 open tickets, so can be done manually over an evening.

    If you are soon to be banished from bitbucket, you should probably make a commit updating URLs etc. pointing to github (creating an organization in github is probably a good idea, making the URLs more pretty)

  8. Wohlstand Account Deactivated

    Good idea about organisation. At first, I made the repo as my personal, now I going to make an organisaion then.

  9. Wohlstand Account Deactivated

    Organisation made:

    you should probably make a commit updating URLs etc. pointing to github (creating an organization in github is probably a good idea, making the URLs more pretty)

    Good notice, I’ll try to perform that today.

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