Disabling Pocket & Normandy

Issue #2 new
Former user created an issue

I changed these in the GUI, I have not tested in the user.js file/format.

user_pref("app.normandy.enabled", false); //Normandy allows Mozilla to push preferences to your browser with out asking you, including telemetry settings. Lots of other settings to investigate.  This is the only one I'm trying for now.
user_pref("extensions.pocket.enabled", false);  //Disable Pocket
user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.section.highlights.includePocket", false);  //Don't include pocket activity on nettabpage
user_pref("services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.section.highlights.includePocket", false); //Dont sync pocket activity between browsers' nettabpage
user_pref("extensions.pocket.api", "");  //Rmove api.getpocket.com so it doesn't know where to "phone home"
user_pref("extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey", ""); //Remove the auth key for the Pocket API. One will exist even if you didn't create it.
user_pref("extensions.pocket.site", "");  //Replace "getpocket.com" with "" 

Comments (2)

  1. Jon Gorenflo

    A couple more. I posted the issue without signing in, so I can edit the issue.

    //Kill snippets with fire.
    user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.snippets", ""); //Blank out JSON with snippets config data
    user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.snippets", false); //Disable use of snippets in feeds
    user_pref("services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.snippets", false); //Who knows which of these will actually kill it.
    //Kill System Addons with fire
    user_pref("extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled", false);
    user_pref("extensions.systemAddon.update.url", "") //Can't make requests to https://aus5.mozilla.org/ it doesn't know how to find it.

    These and the settings in the original issue stopped requests to the following domains:


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