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The Confluence Remote HTML Macros add-on for Confluence helps users insert HTML into Confluence content. All RSS feed content will be sanitized by the Confluence editor to only contain safe HTML.

How to use it

To insert an RSS feed into your document, follow these steps:

images/thumb/macro-browser.pngOpen the macro browser by selecting "Insert > Other Macros" and search for "rss".
images/thumb/macro-properties.pngEnter the URL of the RSS feed you want to include. Use the checkboxes to specify if you want only titles or the feed header information to appear in the RSS feed section. Then click "Insert".
images/thumb/inserted-macro.pngThe macro is added to the page. When your edits are finished, save the page.
images/thumb/rss-output.pngThe macro will refresh and display the specified RSS feed information. RSS feeds will be updated when the page is loaded, but not more than once an hour (even if the page is loaded multiple times during the hour).


If you previously used the old HTML Macro plugin, you'll notice the following differences:

  • Other macros, like the HTML macro, aren't supported yet
  • RSS feed retrieval will happen without authentication, even with other OnDemand applications
  • Administrators cannot whitelist domains (since the HTML is evaluated for safety by the add-on, this is unnecessary)
  • You cannot change the default RSS feed refresh rate of 60 minutes minimum


If you have any questions or problems using this plugin, please raise an issue.
