Cannot install into a room

Issue #16 resolved
Matt Millican created an issue

I am trying to install the plugin into a new room and I keep getting the following message:

Unable to install integration Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

Comments (10)

  1. Don Brown repo owner

    Unfortunately, we are having issues with our ElasticSearch cluster that is causing super slow writes, causing many of our API resources to timeout. I'm told it is getting better...

  2. Andrew Seigner

    Had some issues this morning. Got a timeout when uninstalling. Tried re-installing, got the following message:

    Unable to install integration Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

    Update: Installed via URL, Install appeared to work, bot still behaving strangely (see attached image).Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.22.41 AM.png

  3. Don Brown repo owner

    Looks hc-standup doesn't clean up after a bad install correctly. Try uninstalling then installing again?

  4. Andrew Seigner

    Uninstalled successfully. Reinstall timed out, the HipChat integrations page shows it as not installed, but this message was still displayed in our room:

    HC Standup was added to this room. Type '/standup I did this' to get started (yes, you can use Markdown).

    Update: Tried installing again, appears to have succeeded.

  5. Don Brown repo owner

    I think our ops folks are doing some ElasticSearch work, which causes messages to timeout (we write to ES after sending). In this case, hc-standup sends a welcome message as part of the installation, but if that times out, HipChat thinks the install fails, but hc-standup doesn't detect it properly and clean up. I'll look at making standup handle this better.

  6. Don Brown repo owner

    Ok, welcome messages are sent async, so that should make the install process less error-prone.

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