Phone number in International format

Issue #43 resolved
Former user created an issue

[Original issue 43]( created by orifjon130 on 2011-02-15T14:57:32.000Z:

When entering contact's phone number, it is saving first 11 digits without + sign. It is not saving + sign and last digit. for ex: +987651234567 is saving as 98765123456

Comments (20)

  1. Николай Антонов

    Comment 1 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-02-15T15:19:27.000Z: Agent Protocol uses phones number without '+'. So, At this moment '+' is trimmed now.

    And it is possible to save usersettable aliases.

  2. Николай Антонов

    Comment 2 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-02-15T15:33:00.000Z:

    brunch/mrim-prpl- doesn't trim phone *number* (but trims '+')

    I never send sms to international phone numers, and I don't know how it is works in MailAgent and in the plugin

  3. Janus Kobain

    Comment 3 originally posted by plaque_fcc on 2011-02-15T20:50:28.000Z:

    I gonna confirm that: please refer to to find out which countries are supported when sending SMS messages to phones from. Keep in ming that mrim-prpl module uses standard SMS sending service provided by @Mail.Ru corporation.

  4. Janus Kobain

    Comment 4 originally posted by plaque_fcc on 2011-02-15T20:53:53.000Z:

    Note that when you want to store phone number of your contact, and that number does not belong to anyone of the countries supported by @Mail.Ru SMS transmission service, you are free to use gtkbuddynote plugin instead.

  5. Janus Kobain

    Comment 5 originally posted by plaque_fcc on 2011-02-15T22:26:15.000Z:

    It stores numbers without '+' sign there in network itself, it's not a feature of mrim-prpl.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 6 originally posted by orifjon130 on 2011-02-16T04:52:03.000Z:

    Even if we remove + sign, what about last digit?

  7. Janus Kobain

    Comment 7 originally posted by plaque_fcc on 2011-02-16T05:30:15.000Z:

    You use the last one revision, don't you?

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 8 originally posted by orifjon130 on 2011-02-16T05:46:04.000Z:

    mrim-prpl 0.1.27, pidgin 2.7.3 ubuntu 10.10

  9. Николай Антонов

    Comment 9 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-02-16T06:02:42.000Z:

    Janus.Kobain.Stamp, собери из svn /brunch/mrim-ptpl- - там не будет обрезать 12-ю цифру... но я не в курсе, как на длинные телефоны отреагирует агент.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 12 originally posted by orifjon130 on 2011-02-17T04:47:53.000Z:

    Is line # 87 of mrim.c, "g_return_val_if_fail(length == 11, FALSE);" is valid for 12 digit phone numbers? Or should it be "g_return_val_if_fail(length == 12, FALSE);"

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 13 originally posted by orifjon130 on 2011-02-19T07:27:07.000Z:

    Ya ustanovil r106, no vse ravno obrezayet 12-yu cifru.

  12. Николай Антонов

    Comment 14 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-02-19T09:30:38.000Z:

    Фикс из комментария # 12 попал только в branches/mrim-prpl- (в trunk-е всё по-старому... со следующим комитом поправлю)

  13. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 15 originally posted by orifjon130 on 2011-02-24T07:31:52.000Z:

    on line # 87 of mrim.c, change "length == 12" to "(length == 11) || (length == 12)"

  14. Николай Антонов

    Comment 16 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-02-24T11:40:11.000Z:

    thanks. r115

  15. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 17 originally posted by orifjon130 on 2011-02-26T11:02:21.000Z:

    Updated to mrim-prpl_0.1.27rc.r115, but now editing phone numbers is not accepting any numbers. Here is debug info from pidgin: (16:01:25) mrim: [blist_edit_phones] 998931848323 (null) (null) (16:01:25) mrim: [clear_phone] <998931848323> (16:01:25) mrim: [mrim_phones_to_string] <> (16:01:25) mrim: Отправил пакет len=<98> (16:01:25) mrim: [mrim_input_cb]

  16. Николай Антонов

    Comment 18 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-03-03T18:58:21.000Z:

    Работает в последнем Баг будет закрыт после тестирования trunk-а

  17. Janus Kobain

    Comment 19 originally posted by plaque_fcc on 2011-03-03T19:18:50.000Z:

    Транк после этого, получается, станет branch, а сам обретёт версию

  18. Николай Антонов

    Comment 20 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-03-03T20:32:08.000Z:

    как транк станет стабильным - будет релиз 0.1.28

  19. Николай Антонов

    Comment 21 originally posted by ostinru on 2011-03-03T20:33:32.000Z:

    думаю, это будет релиз 0.1.28

  20. Janus Kobain

    Comment 22 originally posted by plaque_fcc on 2011-03-03T21:24:29.000Z:

    Как вижу, не стант ещё долго.

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