Choosing cutoffs for a mostly haploid assembly

Issue #13 closed
Anurag Priyam created an issue

Hi Michael,

I just tried purge_haplotigs to remove allelic contigs from a mostly haploid Canu assembly and it seems to have done a pretty good job. I want to play around with the parameters a bit more. Can I get your feedback to make sure I am thinking about this correctly?

I mapped raw PacBio reads to the assembly using minimap2 and retained only the primary alignments (samtools view -F 256). Since my assembly is mostly haploid, the diploid peak is kind of absent (figure below). However, below 9x coverage the histogram deviates from a normal distribution. I interpret this as any contig below 9x coverage is either junk or suspect. Accordingly, I set the low, mid and high cutoffs to 2, 9, and 200 (i.e., below 2x is junk, 2-8x may be allelic contigs, 9-199x is good, 200 and above is repetitive). Do you think this reasoning is fair?


Comments (3)

  1. Michael Roach repo owner

    Yes this looks ok. The genecov file has everything at a depth of 200 and above collapsed to 200, if you want to remove 200+ as repetitive you should set -h 199. I should probably state this somewhere.

    low cov = cov < -l
    hap cov =  -l >= cov  <= -m
    dip cov =  -m > cov <= -h
    high cov = cov > -h
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