djview4 not started correctly from djview4poliqarp

Issue #146 closed
jsbien created an issue

Looks like djview4poliqarp send to djview4 the URL of a single page, not of the whole document.

Isn't it a regression? It seems to me that the same or similar problem has been solved some time ago.

Comments (7)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    If I remember correctly, some books are served as single documents, so I have only a link to single page.

  2. jsbien reporter

    This doesn't explain the problem. When a link like,0.419&highlight=2017,1835,166,40

    is open in djview by hand, then the navigation is possible (e.g. to first and last page).

    When djview is called from poliqarp, only the currect page is displayed, other are blank (a typical effect of operating on an incomplete document).

    djview4poliqarp should use an equivalent of "Open location". Is it doing it?

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    What URL is passed to djview4 from djview4-poliqarp in this example?

    Also, what is "Open location"?

  4. jsbien reporter

    Open Location is an item in the File menu.

    I have no idea what URL is sent to djview, unfortunately it is not written to the log.

    There is of course a chance that the bug is in djview.

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